HireHop Security – Hur HireHop skyddar dina data

Secure rental softwareVi bryr oss om säkerhet lika mycket som du gör, och vi gör det bra. HireHop använder automatiserade verktyg för att övervaka tjänstens prestanda för problem 24 timmar om dygnet, 7 dagar i veckan, utan lediga dagar. Våra servrar har fullständig säkerhet och underhåll dygnet runt, med avancerad övervakning för att förhindra högteknologiska intrång.

HireHop är värd på Amazon Web Services (AWS), som är världens största data och server som är värd för global infrastruktur, värderad till cirka 3 biljoner dollar; inte ens världens största uthyrningsföretag hade råd med en infrastruktur av den storleken. AWS används av NASA, banker, stora företag och regeringar över hela världen tack vare den världsledande säkerhet och tjänster som tillhandahålls.

Din data är skyddad och privat

Vi använder många av AWS avancerade säkerhetsskydd för att hålla all din data privat och skyddad. HireHop genomgår också och klarar penetrationstester (penntest) varje år, vilket betyder etiska hackare försöka bryta sig in i systemet för att hitta sårbarheter, och passera oss först när de känner att vi är säkra.

Vi har sett till att våra databasservrar är skyddade bakom avancerade brandväggar, så även i den extremt osannolika händelse en hackare lyckas få inloggningsuppgifterna för våra servrar, skulle de fortfarande inte kunna få åtkomst på grund av brandväggarna.

Anslutningar till HireHop är säkra

HireHop använder Secure Sockets Layer (SSL även känd som HTTPS) med 128-bitars krypteringsteknik . SSL skyddar användare mot man-in-the-middle-attacker som kan startas från komprometterade eller osäkra nätverk, och verifierar det när de loggar in på HireHopp, du omdirigeras inte till en falsk sajt.

HireHop använder en tvåstegs lösenordsskyddad inloggning med begränsade försök som upprätthålls med en Paus. Detta skyddar dig mot brute force-attacker, där en hackare kommer att översvämma vår server med inloggningsförfrågningar för att försöka ta reda på vad ditt lösenord är.

Du kommer aldrig att glömma att säkerhetskopiera dina data

HireHop utför automatiska dagliga säkerhetskopieringar, samt har live backuper på servrar som finns runt om i världen, så om det inträffar en katastrof i ett land är din uppdaterade data även tillgänglig i ett annat land om det behövs.

HireHop har även lokala direkta säkerhetskopior, samt överfallsskydd med replikeringar i andra AWS tillgänglighetszoner. Detta innebär att du får bekvämligheten med att HireHop säkerhetskopierar och underhåller dina data utan att ansträngning och kostnad för att hantera det själv. Om en server går ner kommer en annan automatiskt att starta och ersätta den, vilket ger dig maximalt möjliga drifttid.

Vi skyddar dig från bots

HireHop kommer automatiskt neka en användare åtkomst om den upplever att en bot publicerar eller begär data för användarens räkning. Detta extra skyddslager förhindrar bots från att skada eller extrahera dina data i händelse av att en av dina användares inloggningsuppgifter läcker. HireHop kommer också att logga ut en användare om samma användarkonto försöker logga in på ett annat maskin, och se till att du inte lämnar öppen åtkomst på en annan dator. Du kan också använda Multi-Factor Authorization (MFA) i HireHop genom att använda den med en Google, Xero eller Microsoft Logga in.

Vi värdesätter integritet

HireHop bygger in integritet i allt vi gör, eftersom det är så vi väljer att behandla och respektera våra kunder. Vi följer en strikt uppsättning riktlinjer och praxis för att skydda all din privata information och data, och kommer inte att sälja, hyra ut eller dela din information med tredje part för deras marknadsföringsändamål. För fullständig avslöjande av vår sekretesspraxis, läs vår Sekretesspolicy.

HireHop är tillgänglig 24/7

HireHop har varit tillgänglig mer än 99,9 % av tiden under de senaste tre åren. Detta beror på att vi förlitar oss på redundanta servrar och ett självkorrigerande feldetekteringssystem. Detta innebär att om en server blir påverkad eller otillgänglig kommer din tjänst troligen inte att påverkas, eftersom en annan server automatiskt kommer att starta, vilket gör att du kan komma åt dina data online oavsett var eller när.

Du bestämmer reglerna

Du styr vilka användare som kan komma åt din data, vad de kan se och vad de kan göra. Varje användare i HireHop är föremål för olika behörigheter som du ställt in, som låter dig begränsa rättigheterna för varje användare. Du kan till och med begränsa en användare till att bara få logga in från en viss IP-adress, som den på ditt kontor, vilket hindrar dem från att logga in utanför arbetsplatsen.

Alla hålls ansvariga

HireHop loggar praktiskt taget varje transaktion som görs av en användare, som inte kan stängas av eller raderas . HireHop registrerar varje användarinloggning och registrerar när det är möjligt ändringarna som görs av användare, vilket ger dig en detaljerad revisionsspår.

POS för programvara för hyra av utrustning – Elektronisk försäljningskassa Kassaapparat för uthyrning

Oavsett om du driver ett verktygshyrningsföretag, en surfbutik, uthyrning av smoking eller cykeluthyrning, som en hyresföretagare, behöver du ett enkelt system för försäljning (POS eller ePOS) som bearbetar hyror från din kund inför hyrdskrivbord.

POS för uthyrningLätt att använda ePOS för uthyrning

HireHop ger dig ett system som även deltidspersonalen kan använda med minimal utbildning, som hanterar inte bara hyresförsäljning utan också försäljning av delar och andra produkter. Den integreras sömlöst med resten av programvaran för HireHop-utrustning för att hyra utrustning, så att du kan hantera alla aspekter av hyreslager.

HireHop ger dig allt detta utan extra kostnad, och att vara i molnet innebär att det kan köras på praktiskt taget alla enheter eller datorer.

Kassaapparat för uthyrningsföretag med avancerade funktioner

Programuthyrning för utrustningIbland räcker det inte med ett enkelt POS-gränssnitt och du behöver mer avancerad funktionalitet för vissa hyreskontrakt. Detta är inte ett problem, eftersom varje hyrajobb är tillgängligt inom HireHop-programvaran, vilket ger dig möjligheten att använda alla de ytterligare avancerade funktionerna som HireHop har att erbjuda.

Med ett lättanvänt gränssnitt som ger dig maximal funktionalitet tillåter HireHop hyresföretag med specifika behov att nå sin maximala potential utan att behöva ändra sitt arbetsflöde.

HireHop-kassasystemet är designat med dig i åtanke, så att du kan komma åt alla dina jobb inom ett lättanvänt gränssnitt. Det enkla att använda gränssnittet låter dig bearbeta jobb enkelt, snabbt och effektivt.

Börja använda HireHop idag gratis eller kontakta oss för en gratis demonstration för att se hur mycket HireHop kan gynna ditt hyresföretag.

HireHop Rental Software Awarded The ”Hire Industry Trusted Supplier” Accreditation

Hyra Industri Trusted Supplier AccreditationHireHop has been awarded the prestigious Hire Industry Trusted Supplier (HITS) accreditation from the Hire Association Europe (HAE), passing stringent tests on quality, longevity, safety and ethical business practices.

The Hire Industry Trusted Suppliers scheme has been established to promote the highest levels of quality, competence and safety within the hire industry, giving existing and potential customers reassurances that when choosing a HITS accredited supplier, that they are in safe hands as the supplier is fully committed to maintaining the highest level of standards and practices.

Designed to highlight the most trustworthy suppliers, the HITS scheme will help potential customers make an informed decision, as the HITS accreditation is an additional assurance that background due diligence checks have been undertaken, meaning that by choosing a Hire Industry Trusted Supplier, you are safe in knowledge that the supplier is a sound and solid choice.

Keith Jacobs, Director of HireHop says, ”We are extremely proud to receive this important accreditation, and we believe that this is an endorsement of all the hard work and effort that we have put into HireHop for the benefit of our customers.”

At HireHop, being the best, most modern and future proof software in the world is not enough, as we want to go the extra mile to not only give our users the best, but also to reassure them that they are in extremely safe hands by using the HireHop.

Try HireHop today for free, and see why it is setting the standards for hire business software.

New Features – A Review of the Latest Updates, April 2018

We strive to improve our cloud based hire business software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need.
We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months.
We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!

Scan out in Tree View

We have listened to our users and have worked hard to further enhance our powerful scanning features.

All HireHop users now have the ability to scan jobs out in the same view as the Supplying List, or continue scanning out in the traditional Grouped and List methods. Our tree view allows you to expand or collapse branches of the tree and view the headings and notes exactly as they were created – allowing the user to assign a scanned item to the selected row within the tree.

Check Out – Test Verifications

Don’t want an asset to be checked onto a job if a test or service has expired or is due during the job? On HireHop you can now prevent this from happening.

First, login to HireHop and visit Home-Settings-Company Settings to set your company verification preferences for the three test types available:
  • Ignore – Allows assets with test/service failures to be scanned out.
  • Confirm – Brings up a warning of test/scan failures, but allows the user to scan again to confirm and check out. See User Permissions below.
  • Prevent – Does not allow the asset to be scanned out.


If you have chosen Confirm as your Company Setting for a test, select the Users tab to tailor your User Settings and enable/disable users from being able to confirm a scanned asset which has failed it’s test or service.

Now you’re good to go! Just ensure your tests and services are up to date through Hire Stock Management. You may also like to take a look at our recently enhanced and extremely handy Test/Service Report, which can be found in the Reports tab from the Home page.

Note: Tests can be renamed using our Language Editor!

Limit User Locations

Administrators now have the ability to limit the locations that specific users can login from, such as limiting a user to access HireHop only from the warehouse. 

Simply enter the IP address required, or click ’My IP address’ to use your current IP.

Job Delivery & Collection

On jobs, add labels to say how the kit is leaving the warehouse and how it is arriving back in.

For goods out, the default options are customer collection, we deliver, courier delivery and other goods out.

For goods in, the default options are customer return, we collect, courier collect and other goods in.

Note: Customise these to your company via the Language Editor!

Prevent Deletion of Supplying Items

HireHop will now prevent a User from deleting more items from the Supplying List than have already been checked out.

Administrators can choose to override this for specific users in User Permissions.

Advanced API in Beta Testing

Completely customise HireHop & interface with HireHop from an external app via our API to do almost anything in the system!

Contact us now for further information.

GDPR Compliance

Enable your users to unsubscribe from the address book mailing lists!

General Improvements and Speed Enhancements

We can’t list every update we do (you’ll get bored reading through the long list), as we regularly release new minor enhancements and features to help make your life easier such as more document fields, system speed increases, additional data fields and the list goes on.

Convert Seaward PAT Test Data To CSV – Seawardd PAT Test Data To Excel Spreadsheet Online Tool

Many users of HireHop Rental Business and Asset Management Software have asked us how they can import their PAT test data from their Seaward PAT testers.  This can be done using the Seaward PAT Guard 3 software, however to save our users from having to pay for this software, we have added a small tool below where you can upload the ASCII text output file from your Seaward tester, and we will return the data in a CSV format that you can use to import into HireHop.

This format works with testers such as the Apollo, PrimeTest and SuperNova PAT testers, including the Apollo 600, Apollo 500, Apollo 400, Supernova Elite, PrimeTest 250+ range of testers.

To get the ascii text output file, link your tester to your PC, download the data into the PATGuard Lite software and export/save the file.  You can then upload the file here for it to be converted to CSV.

Choose a file to convert by clicking the ”Choose File” button.


Rental Business Software – Cloud Based Equipment Rental Software

Rental business software in the cloudWe built HireHop Rental Business Software from the ground up for rental and hire businesses like yours, to give you an affordable, modern, easy to use and powerful software solution.

The HireHop team consists of people with years of experience in the hire and rental industry, and with the additional feedback from our users, people like you, this vast pool of knowlesge and experince has helped us build the most intuitive, powerful, versatile and feature rich cloud based software in the world, taylored for rental businesses like yours.

HireHop is constantly evolving, with more features and functionality being added every month, fetures requested by our users, as its our users who we constantly strive to improve the software for.


Rental business software


HireHop, is trusted by many large and well known companies and institutions, as well as small and medium sized businesses, most of whom abandoned their existing software to migrate to HireHop.

Companies have been flocking to HireHop as there is no other rental business software available today that offers the features, ease of use, power and modern cloud functionality. We are so confident with our product, that you can sign up and try it for free, enabling you to see and try it first hand.  Alternatively, you can contact us to arrange a free demonstration, allowing you to see the power of HireHop and how it can benefit your company as well as increase business and productivity.

Don’t be left behind your competitors by using old PC based software, or other limited functionality cloud software, let HireHop help you drive your business forward and improve your business’ productivity, so signup for free today or contact us for a free demo.

Free Rental Business Software – Top Cloud Based Rental Software for Free

We built HireHop from the ground up for rental businesses like yours, built and designed by people from the rental industry, to give you a feature rich, affordable, modern and powerful software solution.

Our team consists of people with vast experience in the hire and rental industry, and with the additional feedback from our users, people like you, this vast pool of knowlesge and experince has helped us build the most intuitive, powerful, versatile and feature rich cloud based software in the world, taylored for rental businesses like yours.

Free Cloud Rental Business SoftwareAs our ethos is to deliver rental business software that helps hire and rental companies, there is now a free version of the HireHop rental equipment software, tailored for small, single user companies. This free version does not have all the features of the full version, but we have made sure that it is powerful enough to give your small rental business the power it needs to help it succeed. We will also give you free support for the first week after signup, as we feel it is all about working and helping each other as a team.

Not only do we offer the free version of HireHop, you can also use HireHop to help drive business your way as it allows you to list your products on our high ranking directory as well as refering you to other users in your area looking for the stock you have available for hire.

HireHop, is trusted by many large and well known companies and institutions, as well as small and medium sized businesses, most of whom abandoned their existing software to migrate to HireHop.

There is no credit card or payment needed, just simply create your account and start using HireHop free Rental Business Software today.

What You Need To Know About GDPR – What Should You Do To Comply

GDPR - General Data Protection RegulationFrom 25th May 2018, the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rules regarding companies holding personal data will come into effect, and these new rules will effect companies of all sizes that hold data of any EU citizen, ”personal data” being data stored on a computer or simply on paper!

So far, according to a survey conducted by the law firm Irwin Mitchell, only 30% of companies have prepared themselves for what is to come, meaning that many firms would probably go out of business if they received the maximum punishment of 4% of their annual turnover, limited to €20 million (£18 million), enforced by the ICO (the Information Commissioner’s Office).

Many companies remain blissfully ignorant and think the regulation doesn’t apply to them, as they don’t store information on a computer, or due to Brexit the rules won’t apply or they feel things are fine as they are.  They are probably wrong, as all companies store personal data, whether it be employee, marketing or customer information, and as these rules come in before the UK leaves the EU, it will be written into UK law as well.

What Is GDPR

  • GDPR are rules companies have to abide to when they hold personal data or information of EU citizens.
  • They give power to the people over their personal data and give them more rights, making companies more accountable.
  • They also simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU, so even if you are outside the EU, it could still apply to you.
  • The regulation covers how you must securely keep data, how it should be exported and what you must do if you have a data breach.
  • With GDPR, a person must give you consent to hold their data, they have the right to demand changes to it and they have the right to order you to delete or destroy it.

What Can Happen

All companies must keep all personal data of their customers, employees, etc. safe. If any personal data held on an EU citizen is compromised, it must be reported to the ICO within 72 hours of the breach, otherwise the business or organisation will be fined upto €20 million. If they find that security of your data was lax or you held on to data that should have been deleted, you can be also fined, and even sued by the individual whose data you held onto.

What do I need to do?

GDPR - What to do nextAny business that processes or holds any personal data (online or on paper) should review how it handles that data, where it is stored, how safe it is, whether it is shared with third parties and whether it is actually needed.

A good first step is to carry out an impact assessment. This should focus on three main areas: how employees control and process the data; processes (how you obtain the data, where you store and send it); and reducing risk (ensuring you have adequate security and data encryption in place).

Under the GDPR you only have to notify the ICO of a breach where it is likely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals. An example being a breach that is likely to have a significant detrimental effect on individuals. A list of first names might not be detrimental, but a list with dates of birth and/or contact details will be. The ICO provides the following guidelines to what might constitute a detrimental effect:

  • result in discrimination,
  • damage to reputation,
  • financial loss,
  • loss of confidentiality
  • or any other significant economic or social disadvantage.

Again, it is vitally important that any breaches that may or do match any of the above points, must be reported to the ICO within 72 hours of the organisation becoming aware of it.

For example, employee data, such as assessments, do you need to keep them after they have left your employment?  If the employee hasn’t asked that you keep them, after a period of time, it would be wise to destroy or delete them. You must also grant the employee or ex-employee access to all data you hold on them so they can ensure that it is accurate and to raise any concerns on its validity or accuracy.


There are some exceptions to GDPR when it come to the right to be forgotten, for example if you decide to keep employee performance records for a period of time following their resignation, in case of a future legal claim against you, or there is an ongoing dispute where it is evidence.  However, you should be clear on what you will hold onto and make sure that it is destroyed when it is no longer needed.

Is My Equipment Rental Software Safe

If you are using software to store data and run your business, you must make sure that they store your data securely and that their login infrastructure is secure. If you do not use cloud software, you must make sure you have regular off-site backups, that the servers are in a locked and secure room (someone stealing a server or a hard drive is a data breach). You also need to perform regular virus checks on the server and all connected computers, make sure your firewall is setup, maintained and active, as well as a host of other requirements.  If you are using cloud software, then most of these requirements are alleviated and all you really need to worry about are login details not being kept secret, which is mitigated with MFA (see below).

What Personal Information is Covered Under GDPR

GDPR covers personal information about an individual being anything that can be used to identify them, such as their name, address, personal email address, identification number (such as passport number), location data (like tracking information from a phone), medical records etc.  What is not governed under GDPR is company information like a registration number, company address, a generic company email address (like accounts@email.com) or anonymous data about a person (this could even be medical data as long as the person it belongs to can’t be identified).

How Long Can I Hold Data According To GDPR

The time data can be held varies depending what the data is used for, and there is no set or specific time period set-out by GDPR.  The rule of thumb is that data should be erased a soon as it is not needed, kept for the shortest time possible, however there are many exceptions.

When it comes to business, you are required and/or allowed to keep the information for Tax, fraud, research, scientific, public interest and possible litigation reasons, etc.  You are also allowed to keep the data for reference reasons for your own internal use (you often need to reference old jobs to see what you supplied for example), however once the information becomes useless, you are required to only delete the information that identifies a person associated with the job. For example, with a hire company, you often have repeat business, sometimes over many years, and it may be necessary to see what you previously supplied them and for what price, so for this reason, you would be allowed to hold onto the data. If the customer vows never to use you again, after you have kept the data long enough to satisfy the tax authorities (at least 6 years after the end of the financial year according to HMRC) and the data is no longer needed for litigation, etc., you should erase their name, contact details and any correspondence from the job that can identify the customer.

What if I Hold Information for Marketing?

Not surprisingly, this is a little bit grey, but this is best we can make of it.  The collected information you hold is used and required by you for as long as you use it for marketing, therefore you are allowed to keep it, however the person has a right to unsubscribe from receiving marketing material from you.  If they have unsubscribed, the information that identifies them (like an email address) is not needed anymore, however some data, like how they responded to campaigns, is needed and you can keep it, as long as that data is anonymous (meaning you can’t identify the person it belongs to).

HireHop is Safe and GDPR Compliant

GDPR Compliant

All data stored within the HireHop cloud software is stored on Amazon Web Services RDS and S3 servers (trusted by NASA, Netflix, UK Ministry of Justice, etc.).  All data stored by HireHop is encrypted behind firewalls, and is backed up on a daily basis, all protected by a multi-billion dollar security infrastructure in worldwide data centres. HireHop also adopts a two step login, and limits login attempt with timeouts to prevent hackers from mounting a brute force attack to assess passwords.  To help you with GDPR compliance, all passwords stored on HireHop are encrypted, HireHop allows the contacts in your address book to unsubscribe from mailing lists simply by clicking an optional unsubscribe link in emails you send them, and you can limit your users to only be able to login at certain locations.

One security weakness in many organisations is that staff tell each other their passwords, and when one staff member leaves, even though you may have disabled their account, they still might know another member of staff’s login details. To combat this HireHop now offer sign-in with Google and Microsoft, and with both of these you can enable MFA (Multi Factor Authentication). The advantage of this is that with MFA, the member of staff not only needs their password to login, but also their mobile phone needs to be at hand.

HireHop has also implemented a personal data erase feature, however as HireHop has only been released for 1½ years up to when this article was written, and all data held must be held for at least 6 years for tax reasons, the feature is currently not enabled so as to save our customers from making foolish mistakes.


To find out more, see the ICO’s 12 step guide at https://ico.org.uk/media/1624219/preparing-for-the-gdpr-12-steps.pdf.

Disclaimer: Nothing on this site constitutes legal advice. Specialist legal advice should be taken in relation to specific circumstances. The contents of this site are for general information purposes only.

New Features – A Review of the Latest Updates, November 2017


Searching in the Picker has become more powerful!

When adding a new listed item within your Supplying list, use the top SuperSearch Bar to intelligently search by Name, Alternative Name and Category.

Customise the Picker

Open the Picker by viewing your Supplying List and choosing New-Add listed items. Now you can simply drag and drop the visible columns into your chosen order. Additionally, choose which columns to show by selecting the Settings cog in the top right hand corner and selecting/deselecting the fields you wish to see.

Note: this is the only customisation that is set per computer rather than per user, to maintain visibility on different screen sizes.

Delete Scans

Scanned the wrong item? Now you can delete a item you’ve checked in or out!

Checking a job out – If you have scanned out the incorrect item or no code checked an item you shouldn’t have, ensuring ’Hide completed items’ is deselected in the bottom left hand corner, select the stock item in question and click ’View Details’. Then simply select the item you have checked out and ’Delete’.

Checking a job in – If you have scanned in the incorrect item or no code checked an item you shouldn’t have, ensuring ’Hide completed items’ is deselected in the bottom left hand corner, select the stock item in question and click ’View Details’. Then simply select the item you have checked in and ’Delete’.

Alternative Name

Perhaps you have a nickname for your Stock, or would like to quote in another language? Choose an Alternative Name for your Stock and display the Name, Alternative Name or both in your Documents.

Alternative Name search has also been enabled in our Picker’s new SuperSearch bar.

How to use: for Documents the print field is ALT_NAME. If there is no alternative name, the NAME field will be used.

Sales Stock Valuation Report

From the Home Page, select the Reports tab and click on ’Sales stock valuation’ to quickly reveal an exportable list of your Sales Stock items, Quantities and their total Valuation, as per the example below.

Invoices to be Exported Report

From the Home Page, select the Reports tab and click on ’Invoices to be exported’ to quickly reveal an exportable list of all Invoices and credit notes which have not been exported to date, as per the example below. Export invoices to Quickbooks, Xero, CSV, XML or Excel directly from the Report.

Document Print Flag

Further enhance your customised documents!

Set up a default flag for your Hire Stock, e.g. Important or Not Important, and allow your customised documents to identify the default flag and format the document accordingly.

How to use: If you DO NOT set the flag in the Picker pop-up window (“none” selected), the default flag will be imported. Setting the flag for items within the Picker to anything but “none” will override the default flag and set all items to the new flag chosen.

More Fields and New Document Merging Features

View the up-to-date extensive list of HireHop Document fields here – https://s.myhirehop.com/modules/docmaker/fields.php 

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

Minor bug fixes and enhancements.

HireHop is offering a New Service – Document Creation

Make your documents stand out! Commission our specialist developers to create tailored documents just for you.

For enquiries, please call 020 8905 1830 or e-mail info@hirehop.com. POA.

Software for Hire Companies – How it can help your Business

It is fair to say that all businesses are now digital in some form and increasingly rely on IT to drive business, sell or hire products, analyse data and manage hire or rental inventory, along with many other business operations.

Rental Management Software such as HireHop provide an efficient and comprehensive solution to the management of Hire Stock for corporations of all sizes:

Productivity and Efficiency

Still working off Excel spreadsheets? For many people, the familiarity of the current way of doing things and reluctance to change has resulted in a loss of time and profits. Embracing a software solution like HireHop may seem like a big step; however, once implemented will free up your team to get on with their real work, boosting productivity through instant real-time visibility of jobs and stock levels. Efficiently tracking your stock can also save valuable time in the warehouse and money through a reduction in losses.


Using rental management software makes it easy for employees to work together and keep track of each others progress or status on particular tasks. It enables teams to work together on jobs from any location, share information, documents and updates, as well as integrate with your email accounts and calendars – increasing communication and user responsibility.

Easy to use

Importantly, software for hire companies should be easy to use for all employees, from project managers to warehouse staff, allowing the focus to be on the important tasks at hand in an often time-pressured environment.

Benefits of being in the Cloud

“In March 2017 the Cloud Industry Forum (CIF) revealed that the overall cloud adoption rate in the UK now stands at 88%, with 67% of users expecting to increase their adoption of cloud services over the coming year”, UK Cloud Snapshot Survey 2017.

The cloud has become an increasingly important part of business efficiency and extremely important for the operation of rental management companies in the following ways:

  • Flexibility and Scalability – Grows with your Company
  • Cost Savings – Low up-front costs, with no complex installations or maintenance charges associated with traditional software
  • Any Device, Anywhere – Cloud software such as HireHop is accessible on any device such as a PC, Mac, phone, smart TV or tablet, as long as it has a web browser
  • Eliminate Data Loss – Your data is securely stored and sandboxed
  • Live Automatic Updates – Eliminates downtime and reduces IT costs
  • Quick Implementation – Get started in minutes!

Try HireHop for free today!